BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Cardio-renal-metabolic UK Annual Meeting 2025 UID:47 DESCRIPTION:This conference was developed by CVRMUK. The sponsoring companies have had no input into the conference agenda, speaker selection or presentations, with the exception of the promotional sponsored symposium sessions, for which the respective sponsoring companies are fully responsible.\n\n \n\nThe CVRMUK Annual Meeting is now fully booked. By registering your place you will be added to the waiting list and informed if a place becomes available.The second CVRMUK annual meeting will take place on Tuesday 25 March 2025 at The King's Fund in London.\n\nThis meeting is designed to bring together HCPs to explore the latest clinical advances and national guidance surrounding the management of cardiovascular, renal and metabolic disease.\n\nJoin meeting Chairs, Dr Kevin Fernando and Dr Patrick Holmes, and a panel of multidisciplinary national experts on Tuesday 25th March 2025 at The King’s Fund, London for an informative, thought-provoking agenda including interactive sessions, workshops and networking. There will also be plenty of opportunities for questions and discussions.\n\nWe welcome all healthcare professionals in primary and secondary care involved in the management of patients with cardiovascular, renal or metabolic diseases.\n\nTo attend this free event, please click here.\n\nRegister Here \n\n DTSTART:20250325T083000Z DTEND:20250325T164500Z LOCATION:The King's Fund END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR